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Leadership Bootcamp

Attend our New Leadership Bootcamp, featuring Brian Hess of Top Contractor School LLC, Chris Hogan of Ramsey Solutions, John Felkins and Cindy Kelley with EntreLeadership who will discuss the importance of company culture, building the best team, leading people and leveraging time. This highly interactive session will keep you on the edge of your seat – you do not want to miss this.

The Bootcamp includes FREE disc assessment test.

Brian Hess: Noon-1p

Managing Partner
Top Contractor School LLC

Culture Is King!

How creating a unbreakable culture in today’s rapidly changing employee environment within your company will create massive success in every aspect of your business.

·What is culture and how do we create it?

·What challenges in your business will a strong culture solve?


A good CULTURE will create an entire COMMUNITY of support around your company and that community will create a scenario where your team and your company gets the feeling like they cannot fail.

  • Strong culture is an unstoppable force that will constantly drive the right things throughout every aspect of your business.
  • A strong culture is built by INTENTIONALLY creating a team. That means looking at every person you hire as a part of a team and NOT as an individual.


  • Things to remember while building or improving your culture
  • The Biggest Challenges That Contractors Face
  • 4 Tactical Ways That I Use to Create Unbreakable Culture Within My Business

***You’re never more than ONE PERSON away from a brand new culture.

Chris Hogan: 1:00p.m. – 2:00p.m.

Ramsey Solutions

Building A Better Team with the DISC Test

In a perfect world, your team would work together easily and communicate effortlessly. That’s not how it usually goes but the good news is that you can still build a great team by implementing the DISC Personality Assessment Test. In Chris’s talk, he will walk through how every person’s individualized test results provide insight into their personality. These insights can help leaders understand whether a candidate will fit into a job they apply for and the team they’ll join. It will also help team members understand how to talk to each other and work together. Whether you’re a Decisive D, an Interactive I, a Stabilizing S or a Cautious C, the DISC test can help you position your team and your business for success.

John Felkins & Cindy Kelley: 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.



Leading People and Leveraging Time

Your Team and Disc

  • Insights
  • A Different Approach
  • Leveraging Strength​

Cultural Effects Teams and Leaders

  • Preserving Culture
  • A Leaders Role

Time Management

  • Priority
  • Efficiency
  • Planning

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